To make the children of Yokosuka look up, first make adults smile.

A special interview which introduces the charm of Yokosuka through the people who work there,
and the feelings contained within.
"Yokosuka Beer", the only craft beer brewery/beer hall found in Yokosuka.
What is the love for Yokosuka, and the feelings Mr. Toshiya Shimozawa pours into his beer?

The origin of his feelings and starting brewing from scratch.

I was born in Yokosuka, but I first started a bar in Oppama before expanding to the Yokohama area. After 20 years, I came back to Yokosuka to see young kids who just looked sad. All of them were looking down at their smartphones and games. I felt like the entirety of Yokosuka was lacking livelihood. So, just upon reaching my 20th anniversary of operation, I became filled with a feeling of wanting to give back something to Yokosuka, and help turn the heads of kids upward. I thought the best I could do was make the surrounding adults smile, for when the kids did look up. I thought in that case, "Let's make a beer that puts a smile on adults' faces!". That's how "Yokosuka Beer" got started.
I liked beer at the time, but I had no knowledge, skills, or equipment for brewing. I started everything from the ground up. Our current brewmaster and I learned the process while studying at a colleague of mine's brewery. At that time, I found an open space for a store at the entrance to the face of Yokosuka and the road I traveled to and from school, Dobuita Street. I thought it had to be fate and I jumped at the opportunity.

Particular about craft beers made with local ingredients.

There are a lot of really delicious ingredients to be found in Yokosuka's fields. There's also a story to all of that deliciousness. Stories of people taking great care to raise and use the ingredients in certain ways, and that's why they're so delicious. I've worked together with local producers from the very start, and they know the land, wind, sky, and sea here. I think they're a treasure.
Because these people feel so much pride for the land, they have such an enormous desire to produce better and better ingredients. I then use those ingredients in my beers. That aspect of Yokosuka Beer is what really breathes life into it, and it's of the upmost importance to me. After all, the most fun of all is making something together with a team of people who have the same values and vision as yourself, isn't it?

I like people. That's it.

I like people. I love people. If you don't like people, I don't think you can work in this industry.
The words in the very heart of my company are "I love people." That's it. To us, people are everything. No matter what you do, you meet and connect with people, and in the end everything comes down to people. From our customers, to the people who help carry supplies, and of course our staff.
From the people who produce in the fields, to the people who catch the fish. While laughing alongside a wide variety of people, they've all helped me to grow as a person. In the end, that's where it's all at. "People"

We're locals who love Yokosuka. We'll keep on spreading the word of it with pride.

I still think Yokosuka lacks energy. I'm able to do something that I'm immensely proud of, in the form of doing what I always wanted to do from the bottom of my heart by starting Yokosuka Beer here in Yokosuka where I was born and raised. Whenever I talk to everyone about how I realized my feelings for Yokosuka, they also start to notice the good things about the area. They take a look at where they stand and realize all the good in this area and in themselves. I'm of the idea that local energy springs forth from this idea of loving your locality.
I love my hometown, and I'm proud of it. If more people start to feel the same way, they'll be able to sincerely tell visitors "Welcome!" and "Thanks for coming!" from their hearts. We can create a Yokosuka full of hospitality. This isn't just my dream, but the dream that the entirety of Team Yokosuka wants to realize.
Moving forward I want to keep making delicious products and share the appeal of Yokosuka with the world. I want to spread the word of Yokosuka globally and entice people from all over to come and visit us. That's my dream while I continue working.

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